Well I had a gf in Alaska and AT&T is the only carrier that reaches there, So ....... well me and her lasted 3 months. But I'm stuck in this contract for another year. O well . Can't have everything we want now can we. lol :)
lol just thought id ask. we have one looking for a second. i love ours well all but the fact that when it gets used it gets annoying when it pops up when you are trying to watch a movie...:D have a good night.
I used it on my first comp it was connected to a 5.8 ghz wireless phone, I used it for like 3 months before I got snookered into a 2 yr. contract with at&t. I still have over a yr. left on my contract. and when your paying 85.00 a month for their cheapest plan. it Sucks, to put it lightly, Have a good morning and a great weekend.