The listing, $ 20.00 dollar fancy serial number rare repeater radar in awesome shape collector's 44522544 has ended.
44522544 is a palindrome! Only 0.010% of 8-digit numbers are palindromes.
44522544 contains a 4-of-a-kind and 2 pairs. Only 0.15% of 8-digit numbers have this combination.
44522544 has 3 unique digits. In 0.71% of 8-digit numbers, there are 3 or fewer unique digits.
44522544 contains 3 pairs together. Only 0.75% of 8-digit numbers have this combination.
The radar is also a repeater, meaning the first four digits and last four digits are the same as well as the entire number being the same forwards and backwards. These types of radars are inherently also binary. Awesome shape free shipping. Collector note