What year was the sidekick purchased? Can you please give more information and photos with the phone turned on and closer view? Does it have a clean ESN? Thank You! =)
What year was the sidekick purchased? Can you please give more information. Can is be used as soon as someone gets it in the mail? Has it been damaged in any way, like from water or dropped? Here is a link about ESN... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uug5O4-alTg To better understand it. ESN Is Electronic Social Number, If a phone is lost or stole or the account is not paid or paid in full. That is a bad ESN. Bad ESN, the phone can not be used. I hope this help you. =) I do need the year of the phone. The first I believe sidekick phone, can no longer have service. I ran across that online. Thank you for your time =)