Free: Donna Lynn's Special Blend Plant Food - Gardening Seeds & Bulbs - Auctions for Free Stuff

FREE: Donna Lynn's Special Blend Plant Food

Donna Lynn's Special Blend Plant Food
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You will receive a 1 pound bag of my special blend of fertilizer containing all organic ingredients. Which include horse manure,plant compost and earthworm bed remains.I actually stumbled upon this magic mixture by accident, as I have a horse and was raising earthworms for fish bait and had a compost bin for my garden remains. Kinda like the old commercial with chocolate and peanut butter when accidently mixed together became a great thing called a reese cup. Well this is a yummy treat for plants and trust me I have tomato plants that look like small trees and the best tasting tomato I have ever eaten. You can use this blend with potting soil or you can place mixture into a old thigh high stocking and soak in water for a few days and then water your plants. Either way works great. Any questions please ask before bidding thanks. If the sound of dead worm remains and horse poop grosses you out then don't bid. I totally understand some people would rather not no these things but on the other hand the veggies you buy at markets and grocery stores are full of dangerous additives for growth and color as well as insect killers. Mine are vine ripened and all natural.
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Donna Lynn's Special Blend Plant Food is in the Home & Garden | Gardening | Gardening Seeds & Bulbs category