The listing, ❤MYSTERY GIFT FOR A FEMALE❤ has ended.
❤ Mystery Gift Female.
☆ Will Be 1 Of The Following Body Wash, Lotion, Body Spray, Make-up, Conditioner,
Shampoo, Bar Soap, Deodorant, ect.
1 Item only.
❣Everything I send is Factory Sealed.
⚡✔~ Shipped free with tracking.
✔~ Rude comments result in a block.
❤✔~ All listia rules apply + you must be listia verified.
⭐✔~ Please don't gin if your not going to leave feedback and hit the got it button.
✔~⚘ Fan me and I will fan you back.
✔~ No buyer's remorse.
♥️~ Thank you and God Bless always. ♥️
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_____________.♥Some Items Don't Ship To P.O. Boxes, Please Have Secondary Address In Case.