Free: deponia steam key - Video Game Prepaid Cards & Codes - Auctions for Free Stuff

deponia steam key

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(TRADE CARDS) In Deponia, the world has degenerated to the point of becoming a huge garbage dump. There, poor Rufus is forced to live his miserable life. He is part of the lower class, doomed to spend his life amid mountains of garbage. He seeks an opportunity to enter the world of the rich, who live in a floating city above the clouds. And fate seems to smile on this clumsy scoundrel when, one day, a beautiful Goal layer girl from the upper sector falls into one of the piles of waste. Rufus decides to help the young woman return to her husband. And when he realizes that the man has died, he comes up with a diabolical plan to move to the world suspended in the sky. However, not everything goes as planned; after all, he falls in love with the beautiful young woman and his scruples are tested.

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