Free: Intuitive (Psychic-Medium) Reading - Other - Auctions for Free Stuff

FREE: Intuitive (Psychic-Medium) Reading

Intuitive (Psychic-Medium) Reading
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The listing, Intuitive (Psychic-Medium) Reading has ended.

One Free Reading will go as follows : The winner of the auction will need to supply me with only a first name and picture via email (I will give you my email address after the auction has ended) along with up to 5 questions you would like to ask me. The picture should be a clear photo of your face. I will give my reading to you via email message within 24 hours of receiving your name and photo. *PLEASE* do not ask any questions that you cannot handle the answer to. Honesty is my policy.
Questions & Comments
could you use my profile picture on here? can i ask questions of loved ones that has passed? im a big fan of long island medium and she always says she will only relate positive message's. are you a medium? fanned and watching!!
Oct 23rd, 2012 at 2:35:11 PM PDT by
yes I could use that photo. Yes you can ask questions but I cannot guarantee that a specific loved one will come through, that is not up to me. I am a medium HOWEVER every intuitive/psychic/medium has different ways they receive messages and they also have their own personal code of conduct. I understand only wanting to relay positive messages, however I relay whatever the spirit thinks I should relay. I do not hold back the truth because I personally feel that is withholding information that does not belong to me in the first place, so who am I to make the judgement call on what message I relay and what I shouldn't. There is a reason I am being told something and that is to give it to that person to help them or prepare them. I do warn not to ask questions you cannot handle the answers to so that remains up to my client on what they can handle and what they cannot. If you have any other questions feel free to ask. Sorry my reply is a book long, I am just hoping other people read this and understand. Great questions, thank you for asking ! : ) I am fanning you back.
Oct 23rd, 2012 at 2:51:18 PM PDT by
how would i know what question to ask if i didnt know who was coming thru the reading? do you do reading's over the phone? what if there was no connection? sorry for the confusing questions.
Oct 24th, 2012 at 6:51:10 PM PDT by
No worries, I am happy to answer : ) The best thing to do is ask a general question about your loved one's such as " do I have any deceased loved one's that have any messages for me. Then I will see who is able to communicate with me and relay the person and messages back to you. I generally do not do readings over the phone, it is not out of the question though, I have only been asked to once. There is always someone looking to communicate if I try to communicate. It may be a great great grandmother you never met, but she is your spirit guide for instance. Usually it is someone who was close to you in their lifetime on earth though.
Oct 24th, 2012 at 10:33:58 PM PDT by

Intuitive (Psychic-Medium) Reading is in the Other Stuff | Other category