Free: 2 pack x 3000 Culantro seeds for planting (Ngò gai, Eryngium foetidum) seeds - Gardening Seeds & Bulbs - Auctions for Free Stuff

2 pack x 3000 Culantro seeds for planting (Ngò gai, Eryngium foetidum) seeds

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  • 15d 18h 52m 5s

  • St. Louis, MO USA (map)
  • Free shipping (United States)
Culantro seeds for planting (Ngò gai, Eryngium foetidum) seeds. Culantro (Eryngium foetidum) originated in Mexico, Central, and South America. It’s a culinary herb that’s used in Caribbean, Latin American, and Asian cuisine.Culantro seeds can be started directly outdoors in the garden, but it is always recommended that you start smaller seeds such as these in starter pots, or Cowpots. Simply sow the seed directly to the surface of the soil, allowing the seeds to absorb direct sunlight.

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