The listing, Larimar stunning!! only 1 will not be back has ended.
Larimar is a rare blue variety of Pectolite found only in the Dominican Republic, which is located in the Caribbean. Its color varies from white, light blue, green-blue to deep blue. While Pectolite in general is not a rare occurrence, none have the unique blue coloration of Larimar, which is the result of cobalt substituting for calcium.Larimar is a high vibration stone that connects to both the Thymus (2nd Heart) and Throat Chakras. It is often used in self-healing or laying on of stones. Larimar is a stone of communication, clarity and truth. It brings calm and balance to any situation, removing stress and negativity. Larimar will help to embrace change and move through the process effortlessly.Larimar resonates with the gentle, soothing energy of water, bringing a sense of tranquility and a reminder to “go with the flow”. It carries a strong energetic connection to Dolphins and the sea.