Free: 50 ♥ STERLING ♥ Earring Wires ~ Get It Now ~ FREE US Ship on ALL my items! - Beading & Jewelry Supplies - Auctions for Free Stuff

FREE: 50 ♥ STERLING ♥ Earring Wires ~ Get It Now ~ FREE US Ship on ALL my items!

50 ♥ STERLING ♥ Earring Wires ~ Get It Now ~ FREE US Ship on ALL my items!
A member of Listia gave this away for free!
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This Stuff is Free Too:

The listing, 50 ♥ STERLING ♥ Earring Wires ~ Get It Now ~ FREE US Ship on ALL my items! has ended.

Winner receives 50 of these ♥ sterling ♥ earring wires, marked 925, shown in the first two photos (all will have the springs). My Get it Now is less than you'd pay for a $9 gift card on Listia, a real bargain particularly with free shipping.

Sterling ear wires have become quite expensive ~ retail you'd pay at least $20 for 50 sterling earring wires, and I've seen them as high as $1 PER earring wire! Listia is a GREAT way to buy these!

If you would like to buy beads and findings from me via paypal, send me a message with your e-mail address. I do not sell on any other web site.

Each is marked 925 on the flattened edge you can see in the photos. GREAT for people with zinc allergies! If you can't afford these, I also have these available GIN for 20 sterling wires ~ and I have less expensive silver plate earring wires on LIstia too!

To see all of my beads and findings on a single page:

♥ type natahoa into the search box at the top of the page
♥ choose the CRAFTS category in the left column
♥ list them "ending soonest" in the drop-down menu to see them in order
♥ at the bottom of the page, click on "100" to show all of my listings on a single page

They include
♥ silver plate earring wires
♥ headpins with balls
♥ silver and stardust spacer beads
♥ crystal beads in two sizes
♥ bright silver plate daisy spacers
♥ and my wonderful spiral silver tube beads, the most popular beads on Listia!

Other photos show jewelry I've made, and some of the other findings I have on LIstia ~ you are MOST welcome to copy or use my designs for inspiration!

Free US shipping.

Canadian buyers need to send me $2 via Paypal (only). I will ship ANY number of wins for $2, so win a bunch and save on shipping!

I ship on Wednesdays after my listings end Monday and Tuesday nights.

Please don't ask me to fan you, and I suggest you use discretion in whom you fan ... scammers LOVE to have lots of fans. I only fan someone after a transaction.
Questions & Comments
I am in the heart of this really bad storm that will last until Wednesday and might take power out on most of the East coast, so if you win one of my listings and don't hear from me, that would be why.

By Sunday night we are supposed to get sustained 50-60 mph winds for two days. I live on the Chesapeake Bay and we have NO idea how much tidal flooding we will get here. Wish me luck!

I will ship my listings Wednesday as planned, but if I don't have power my shipping will be delayed!
Oct 28th, 2012 at 5:49:49 AM PDT by

50 ♥ STERLING ♥ Earring Wires ~ Get It Now ~ FREE US Ship on ALL my items! is in the Crafts | Beading & Jewelry Supplies category