Free: Creative Needlepoint by Jo Bucher - Needlepoint - Auctions for Free Stuff

FREE: Creative Needlepoint by Jo Bucher

Creative Needlepoint by Jo Bucher
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The listing, Creative Needlepoint by Jo Bucher has ended.

Creative Needlepoint by Jo Bucher -- Hardbound. Includes: Introduction to Needlepoint--Dictionary of Stitches--How to do Special Needlepoint Techniques--Finishing & Mounting Needlepoint Projects--Index. Projects include: Pillows, Purses, Pincushions, Tassels, Hatband, Keychain, Watchband, Tag, Barrette, Fly Swatter, Clothing, Footstool, Cases for Glasses etc., Christmas Stockings, Tennis Racket Cover, Book covers, Doorstops, Lamps and more. 324 Pages. Good condition--No marks or writing. Combine to save on shipping. Shipping can be paid by cash, money order or PayPal.
Questions & Comments
If you put this under Crafts>Needlepoint, I think you'd have better luck. I think it would be very popular. I've been selling Needlepoint/cross stitch items and they really sell. I think bidders would find this easier there. Not a criticism, just a hint. Nice auction and should sell for a good price once people find it!! :D Good luck
Oct 27th, 2012 at 9:31:24 AM PDT by
Thanks for the advise. I changed the category. Some of the categories are confusing, so I usually make my own, or put everything under sewing or patterns.
Oct 27th, 2012 at 10:11:52 AM PDT by

Creative Needlepoint by Jo Bucher is in the Crafts | Needlepoint category