Free: INVENTORY LIQUIDATION Mystery Box!!! - Other Craft Items - Auctions for Free Stuff


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The listing, INVENTORY LIQUIDATION Mystery Box!!! has ended.

Hello, and welcome to MyxedEmotions!
I Deal with alot of wiccan/pagan/mystical, and most magical arts..

Today I Bring you my Very FIRST Original MyxedEmotions Box!!

The Total weight & contents will be determined by bids, But this mystery lot is Garanteed to Start at 10 items and Grow!!

For Every 100 Bid - Gets another HandFull Of Items!!!

If you are one of my loyal Followers, You already know what my auctions Bring!!

If you are just now Browsing, This auction will contain items of pertinent importance to any magical workings...

We're Talking; Herbs, Incense, Oils, Crystals, Tarot Cards, Charaka Stones, Jewelry (rings, bangles, pendants), Statues, Smudge, mojo bags, tapestries, books, pendulums, according accessories, Novelty, and props... the possibilities are Limitless!!!

I hope to Clear out ALOT OF Inventory!!!

I am Only asking for 1/2 actual shipping cost...!! I find that a little more fair since you are using Your credits to bid..

And Regardless, I will Ship Cheapest (Flate rate or standard) for Item Content-

Insurance and protective packaging are Paid by ME!

As new tiers are reached, and items added, I will Post updates in commentary to best my ability!

This Will Be Awesome I Promise!!

May the biddings Begin!!!! Good Luck!

Free shipping to Winner over 20,000 bid- PLUS SURPRISE SUPER SPECIAL!!!
Questions & Comments
I Have Been messaged by a few of you as to the contents in this auction- So I will say this; IT WOULDN'T BE A MYSTERY BOX IF I TOLD YOU WHATS IN STORE! :-)
Please refer to my description-Everything listed is only a part of what can go in this Box!
Thank You And Happy Bidding! :-)
Oct 29th, 2012 at 3:34:46 AM PDT by
Ok! UpDates As promised-
My First Bidder Has dictated the Scent-ual Properties for your mystery journey... Thank You Azlebella! And Good Luck To all Bidders! :-)
Nov 2nd, 2012 at 6:53:38 PM PDT by
Such a wonderful offering of useful items! I am watching and definitely plan on bidding on the fabulous auction you have! 8o)
Nov 2nd, 2012 at 9:04:42 PM PDT by
Thank You And Good Luck!! :-)
Nov 3rd, 2012 at 3:40:42 AM PDT by
Okay down to the wire and thanks again for the input of my bidders the next lot to go in house now everything to do with the elements of water
Nov 4th, 2012 at 4:56:27 AM PST by
Another Decision has been made as to the contents of this box-Thank You Again my loyal bidders, for now, an item of Samhain will be also added! Good luck To all!! And Thank You!
Nov 4th, 2012 at 3:16:43 PM PST by
Oct 28th, 2012 at 9:06:02 PM PDT by
Thank You!
Oct 29th, 2012 at 3:19:59 AM PDT by
We are down to 2 days, and thanks to the participation of the recent bidders- the new items added to the contents in this box are made of stone & Resin... Thank You!
Nov 3rd, 2012 at 8:36:53 PM PDT by
F&W I am super pumped for this auction! Love your enthusiasm!
Nov 4th, 2012 at 11:09:42 PM PST by
Yes, well every bidder so far got to choose what is going in the box- So it is Realy A great surprise for the winner! An we still have a day to go... GOOD LUCK!
Nov 5th, 2012 at 3:40:55 AM PST by
Okay! Now down to the last few hours and my latest bidder has chosen and idol figure that will also be included! This is a HUGE lot and i only have One more choice for the WINNER! So get your bids in peeps! and GOOD LUCK TO ALL!!! :-)
Nov 5th, 2012 at 5:50:33 PM PST by

INVENTORY LIQUIDATION Mystery Box!!! is in the Crafts | Other Craft Items category