Free: ~ Dark Wiccan Grimoire ~ :) - Other Books - Auctions for Free Stuff

FREE: ~ Dark Wiccan Grimoire ~ :)

~ Dark Wiccan Grimoire ~ :)
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The listing, ~ Dark Wiccan Grimoire ~ :) has ended.

~ Dark Wiccan Grimoire ~ :)

Moderators, I am aware that spells are not allowed but I have been told by a few moderators and Listia that Wiccan books are allowed even if they include spells or curses. As Wiccan books are sold and available anywhere including bookstores such as Barnes and Noble. And to remove Wiccan books would be prejudice. ^.^

This auction is for a PDF E-Book written by myself that will be sent via email. Digital goods are allowed on Listia if sold by the creator. Listia is not allowing spells to be auctioned at the moment, but this is just an occult book with great information that includes curses.

This book has useful information for people who are interested in the left-handed path, voodoo, or curses.
Some of the information and curses include:
Cursing Items, Cursing Oil, Cursing Incense, Cursing Chant, Simple Curse, Voodoo Curse, Ruin Someone's Life, Make Someone Ill, Curse of Hecate, The Lemon Curse, Breakup a Relationship, Revenge for a Jilted Woman, Make Someone Move, To Bind Another, Black Magic Altar and General Use, Charm Bag to Hex, Voodoo Doll, To Cause Evil Entities to Haunt Someone, and How To Seal a Spirit Inside a Candle.

I have been a witch all my life it is in my blood and runs in my family. These curses are effective and strong. Some work very quickly where others may take some time.

I have been a witch all my life it is in my blood and runs in my family. This book has been found helpful by many of my bidders/buyers.

The information and curses in this grimoire have been gathered over time from some of the most powerful witches and warlocks known to man, but can be used by just about anyone willing to believe ^_^

This auction is for a PDF E-Book written by myself that will be sent via email.
Questions & Comments
How many pages is this book?
Oct 27th, 2012 at 11:25:16 PM PDT by
15 but I have a regular grimoire with I think 80 pages and I have another auction in which the low GIN offers my HUGE entire collection which has MANY dark magic books :)
Oct 28th, 2012 at 12:01:31 AM PDT by
Thank you for the answer :) I wish I wasn't so new here! I would GIN this in an instant!
Oct 28th, 2012 at 7:21:11 PM PDT by
No problem hun and its ok It'll still be here until you can lol
Oct 28th, 2012 at 7:24:26 PM PDT by
sorry but wiccans dont "curse" people. they bring positivity to their families, friends and the world around them. wiccan rede "harm none". not "dark spells and curses". you are giving us a bad name
Oct 30th, 2012 at 7:18:27 PM PDT by
OMG I am so sick of people like you commenting on my auctions like you know everything. I know I should be more polite but its frustrating! I wouldn't call it a Dark Wiccan Grimoire if Listia would have let me name it "Curses" but they are taking down all of my auctions because they refuse to read the full auction to know its a book and not just a spell (of which are no longer allowed on Listia). To clear it up MOST Wiccans are Harm to none HOWEVER, there are still WARLOCKS (WHICH DO EXIST AND ARE WITCHES THAT BETRAYED THE CRAFT BY DOING CURSES AND OTHER DARK MAGIC! NOT JUST MALE WITCHES) Not ONCE did I say all witches were bad IN FACT if you cared to look instead of commenting you would see I always have a good wiccan grimoire. No not all witches are bad nor are they all good. There is good and bad in everything and that includes people and magic. There now you've learned something new. Sorry for my rant but I get tired of people saying stuff like that. This rant isn't personal or directed toward you its toward anyone who thinks that way. Thank you for viewing :) Have a great day and Blessed be ^.^
Oct 30th, 2012 at 7:38:34 PM PDT by
Sorry cant say I have learned anything. Considering I'm a practicing witch for 35 years.
Oct 30th, 2012 at 7:44:01 PM PDT by
So I could practicing doctor for 40 and still not know the cure to Cancer. You don't impress me with your 35 years as things have changed over those 35 years and if you have been practicing for 35 years you would know Wiccans believe in good and evil as well you can't have one without the other. Its world balance. With good magic there is bad magic.
Oct 30th, 2012 at 7:48:39 PM PDT by

~ Dark Wiccan Grimoire ~ :) is in the Books | Other Books category