Honored :-) So glad you like them! I do have more, so will be re-listing. I just can't keep track of too much at once, so I only do a couple of auctions at a time. Looking forward to sending some your way, too!
silly question, sorry, are these edible ? I have never heard of these beans..they are pretty beans..could you give a little info on them please..thank you.
No silly questions-- we all walk learning. Yes, they're edible. They're an ancient variety that the Anasazi people used in the Southwest. I send growing instructions w/ the seeds. More info & recipes all over the net. Pretty much they cook up just like a pinto bean, only prettier :-)
Thanks for your interest! This one is a climber-- The traditional "three sisters" / corn / beans /squash trio planting works well :-) Fanned you, too. I still haven't figured out what the "w" stands for?
I see you got the answer to your question about W. As a former university English teacher, I am haviing a hard time with some of the abbreviations. Got the B, W, F down after the first week. the ty (thank you) was fairly easy. But some of the others are just toooo modern for me! I am just an ole Arkansas hillbilly! Anyway, ty and I am back to W.