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Nov 7th, 2012 at 5:48:26 PM PST by
I was so busy few days ago to remodel our house and I thought I had free time yesterday but not. Finally today it is my free time and of course I will take picture each and also will give the details today. Sorry for the delay!!
This would make a great item to package up to send overseas to our troops. That is the first thing I thought of when I saw the items. Many of the items are things the troops ask for. so if I win know that it is going to some well deserved heroes. that is a lot of items to take individual pictures of - try doing maybe 4 or 5 of them together and then just list the items in the description. But I saw everything just fine.
What a great idea!! I done took pictures on each items last night so let people see it better. I was so busy but glad I had free time last night to take the pictures of my items. Hope you win so good luck! :)