my sister is going to be having a birthday and she really love this i hope i can get it for her it would make here day if she get this bc she gots the phone and now she just need this
heyjust wanted to see if u would lower the days i would really like to get this for my wifes littlle sister that is having here birthday this weeking but here birthday isnt till the 18 but there haveing the partty this weeking and she would really love to have this case bc she is in love with that kid on it thank u for lating me post this if i dont win it i will still give u good feedback
I just got your post today, been busy at work the last couple of days... I have the same item in my ebay store under rickylpd21 for $9.00 I ship first class mail and it will take about three days to reach you. email me at and I can email you my cell number and we can figure something out