Free: Foam Craft Pieces ~ Noah's Ark & Other Shapes! - Other Craft Items - Auctions for Free Stuff

FREE: Foam Craft Pieces ~ Noah's Ark & Other Shapes!

Foam Craft Pieces ~ Noah's Ark & Other Shapes!
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The listing, Foam Craft Pieces ~ Noah's Ark & Other Shapes! has ended.

A great activity for a rainy day, or use them for Sunday School! These foam craft pieces are FUN to use!

This auction is for one set of 24 pieces as shown in photo 1. But, the higher the bids, the more sets the winner will receive (See photos #1 and #2)!


200 to 249 One Set
250 to 450 Two Sets
451 to 650 Three Sets
651 to 850 Four Sets
851 to 1,050 Five Sets (See Photo #3)

If bids go higher, I'll add more sets for every 200 credits. If bids should happen to reach 2,050 credits, then I'll throw in extra pieces ~ so, instead of the 10 sets of foam craft pieces, winner will receive 10 sets, plus 24 more pieces!

Please keep in mind that there may be different pieces from what you see above in each set. I have quite a few pieces, but it depends on what I can put together. I'll try to keep bidders posted, so make sure you read my comments.

Picture #4 shows the items in better proportion than the first two.

And, most of all, have FUN!

Free shipping to the U.S. and Canada.

Thanks for stopping by!
Questions & Comments
I messaged you here and on Facebook. Sorry to be so bothersome but I REALLY want these!!! =)
Nov 7th, 2012 at 6:13:39 AM PST by
Just let me know what you want to do. There may be a way.
Nov 8th, 2012 at 4:48:58 AM PST by
That's okay, you are not bothersome at all. They aren't stickers, though, they are foam pieces that kids glue onto paper, construction paper, pieces of wood, etc. to make cards, pictures, frames, etc. Do you still want them? I could do GIN if you wanted, since no one has bid yet. The only thing is I'm not sure about getting them to you before Sunday if the party is this Sunday.
Nov 8th, 2012 at 4:44:58 AM PST by
If I don't receive them by Sunday, that is ok, too, as I can take them to church and use them with the kids there.
Nov 8th, 2012 at 6:42:20 AM PST by
I'm sorry, but there's no way the mail would get to you in time. They work well with a Sunday school class.
Nov 8th, 2012 at 6:43:34 PM PST by
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great auction would work for my Sunday school class, bid, fanned and watching
Nov 14th, 2012 at 2:34:31 PM PST by

Foam Craft Pieces ~ Noah's Ark & Other Shapes! is in the Crafts | Other Craft Items category