Because so many show up on listia -- just so everybody knows -- the two red & yellow "Top Value" stamps are Trading Stamps, given by a store when you made a purchase. Nothing postal, philatelic, or WW II rationing about them. People do collect these stickers which were saved to trade in for "premiums", merchandise like: a lamp, a mixer, or a set of dishes for 1,000s of books of stamps. Other widely used 'trading stamps' were: "S&H Green Stamps", "Holden Red", "Gold Bond", "Plaid", MacDonald's Plaid", "United", "Buccaneer", "Eagle","Consumer's","Gold Strike", "Blue Chip", "Merchants Green", "Red Scissors", "Triple-S Blue", "Greenbax", "Gift House", "Magic", & "Two Guys". I have some in my collection along with Easter and Christmas seals -- but they just aren't dogs from the same pack!