The listing, One Scanned Sheet Music Just For You, You pick it from list. Piano & Guitar Notes. SECOND ONE has ended.
i believe
i believe in music
i'd like to teach the world to sing
if i can help somebody
if i had a hammer
i found the answer
if we only have love
i heard a forest praying
i love to tell the story
i may never pass this way again
the immposible dream
i need the every hour
in the garden (i come to the garden alone)
in the sweet by and by
it is no secret what god can do
i will never pass this way again
jacob's ladder
jesus lover of my soul
(choose from traditional or contemporary)
jesus loves the little children
jesus wants me for a sunbeam
keep on the sunny side (from oh brother where art thou)
king of all kings (the)
leadly kindly light
let it be (speaking words of wisdom)
lift every voice and sing
little brown church in the vale
look for the silver lining (judy garland)
look to the rainbow
the lost chord
love divine, all loves excelling
make someone happy
mansion over the hilltop
the man upstairs
may the good lord bless and keep you
my cathedral
my faith looks up to thee
nearer, my god to thee
no man is an island
oh happy day
oh what a beautiful morning (oh what a beautiful day)
old rugged cross
one little candle
onward christian soliders
somewhere over the rainbow (oz)
o worship the king
praise god from whom all blessings flow
precious memories
put a little love in your heart
put on a happy face
put your hand in the hand of the man
rock of ages
a satisfied mind
since jesus came into my heart
smile (when your heart is aching)
somebody bigger than you and i
a song of joy
the sound of music
stand up for jesus
stop and smell the roses
suddenly there's a valley
sunrise, sunset, sunrise, sunset
sweet hour of prayer
take my hand, precious lord
that old time religion
these hands
these things shall pass
this is my country
this land is your land
(this land is my land)
this little light of mine
this train
to every season, turn turn turn
wade in the water
the wayfaring stranger