Free: Original Art Poster: Jesus Cries for Africa - Other Craft Items - Auctions for Free Stuff

FREE: Original Art Poster: Jesus Cries for Africa

Original Art Poster: Jesus Cries for Africa
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The listing, Original Art Poster: Jesus Cries for Africa has ended.

This is a prophetically revealed painting, one I did not plan but that developed as I worked into something I never would have done. So it needs interpretation.
It started out as a nativity scene of a baby in a manger.
As I worked, I saw faces behind the child, one obviously Mary who showed a white cross in her face. Not joy but sorrow, Mother of Sorrows, Mater Dolorosa.

The baby started out as Jewish but His features became of the African race. Another opposite, white becomes black. Then the blankets covering the child turned into the hill of Golgotha with 3 crosses at the top and the empty tomb in the base of the hill. Another opposite, birth becomes death and then death becomes resurrection, new life. Then the straw around the baby in the manger became a side view of a crown of thorns next to His head.

There is another woman next to Mary as well as two men.

At first I assumed it was others who stood at the foot of the cross like Mary Magdalene or the sister of the Virgin. Or St. John who we know was there.

But the faces do not show that it is these, they have a haughty or disdainful look.

Neither is it those at the birth of Christ like Joseph, or shepherds who are usually in a nativity scene.

This painting with Jesus as a child of the African race shows a message. Jesus weeps for the persecuted race of people of African origin, for those made into slaves by arrogant white 'masters'.

He was born to carry the burden of suffering and pain. He lived and died with a great love for the downtrodden.

He lives today to be the Champion of the Poor, the Widow, the Orphan, the Defender of the Downtrodden, the Bondage Breaker.

To be like Christ, Christians must walk that Via Dolorosa or Way of Sorrows, die to self, and take up that cross, that burden that Jesus carried for all mankind.

Use this print to remind yourself to be like Him and truly love others, really see Christ in others.

Small Poster, 8 1/2 x 11
Questions & Comments
This is very creative,and absolutely beautiful. You should be very proud of your work
Nov 23rd, 2012 at 8:02:59 AM PST by

Original Art Poster: Jesus Cries for Africa is in the Crafts | Other Craft Items category