Thanks so much! I LOVE it but wish my son would keep PJ pants on! He will not keep pants/socks/slippers on, so i have to buy him the 1 piece zip up sleepers LOL.
Thank you for listing them! I need to win as many pjs for my grandson as possible. My daughter called me and told me that someone in their apartments stole all his jammies and pants out of the dryer! Poor baby needs lots of pants and jammies now. He's 13 months but he's a bit chunky for his age. so I figure 2T and 24 month and 18 month sizes, is what I'm looking for. So I'm trying to win as many as possible for her. I'm also gonna go to the free clothing centers here and see what I can find for her. :( It's so sad when people do crap like that. My daughter is pretty financially strapped too. Thank you again! HUGS!