Well,I have no bank account,for paypal.I also understand totally:-)and if anybody would like me to do anything to prove that this is a legit auction feel free to let me know:-)I reckon I should have waited until I got a few auctions finished under my belt before I offered up an nes.
Ok,I didn't know that,so whatever is the cheapest by all means let me know:-)I just took a guess on the $12.00 because that's what it cost me to ship a Sega last year:-)
Really wish you had paypal. It is free all you have to do is sign up. It is easier to trust then just shipping money to a stranger. IJS I would bid really high if you did. :)
can i ship you a label i'm disable and don't drive to get one take a couple of days US Postal Money Orders i do western union or send you a check i pay you $15.00 for shipping