i mean its unused as in nobody is using it like you can play it no problem i wanted to be specific because some people would think the cd key is being used by somebody to play but nobody has ever used it so u have no problem playing it on and offline
if bidding gets passed 1k u get my steam and for those of u that dont know steam is a prgram that u can download games from i have arround 10 different games on it from alien swarm counterstrike,halflife, day of defeat and many more
after auction is over email me and when i get back to you and give u the digital copy of it if u wanna download it instead to get it faster and email u the cd key if u want me to
if u do indeed need a video card this probably should check out this website http://accessories.us.dell.com/sna/category.aspx?c=us&l=en&s=dhs&cs=19&category_id=5406&~ck=anav&ST=video%20cards&dgc=ST&cid=14151&lid=357482&acd=52187,8,0,99954571,706971478,1282073459,,10399381,896361386