It comes with the power cord and honestly I dont know ive never used it but when i get home off work i will charge it and check it out and i will update the auction.
I looked at the description, it says it works with itunes for windows, does it work with macs (i have both systems just wondering) and only mp3 files or other formats? Also, just making sure there is nothing wrong with it or that it needs some updates or anything. You said you won it on quiBids, i've never tried any of those bidding sites, looked at a few and were skeptical since you have to buy bid packs to bid, is it easy to win or do you end up spending all your bid pack, have you had success, do you recommend it, i was looking into doing some of them do you recommend any of those type websites etc... I know it's off topic, if you dont want to answer here you can message me, if not, it's fine as well, just thought i'd ask. And btw this is a nice auction, I have Fanned you and am Watching.
I honestly don't know about it working with macs I don't own one so I'm not sure as for it needing updates it is less than a year old I got it over the summer and as for your question about the websites well I only used the probono bids that you get from doing surveys and watching videos.