Ummmm I'm not trying to be rude I just have to ask because I am very interested in this auction (awesome by the way ) anyway shipping in US you have for $3. flat rate and worldwide you have for $2.50. If I win could I have the worldwide price
LOL! Love that comment made by a United States member. Gotta love how they can enquire about fair shipping fees outside of their area but infact many are too good to offer their fair shipping fees outside of their area.
Wonders why members would bid on this auction after this many comments have been posted and the seller can't even stay with us long enough to answer the questions?? Became a member on the 28th, last online the 30th and they want us to pay them to ship the items?? Um, don't seem like something I'd be prepared to do. Paypal is horrible with getting your money back to you. They only do refunds for transactions made through purchasing the item from a site, they don't cover shipping fees for stuff like this. Know that from experience from when I first became a member on here and was took by a seller like this for $30. After that I won't bid on any members auction that wants me to pay for shipping. Free or nothing, ya won't my bids if it aint.