ohhh!! ill have to be watchin him then i love the puppy the most!! i loooovee stuffies tho!! their my favourite kind of toy. (^---^) my bed is covered with them!! ive named them all too lol ^^ my bf says when im with him im only allowed to have 1 on the bed :( you have no idea how hard that is for me ha ha ha!!
oh you must be like the same age as me then!! im 19!! ^^ im not going to collage tho, too expencive!! if i do manage it will be to a community collage on financial aid. thats so cool good luck when you get there!
I'm almost 18. Next August is when I'm going, but I'm going to be getting a few new ones XD These are just the ones I don't use. Oh, and the funny thing is I'm keeping all the beany baby brand ones LOL AKA the majority of my collection.
ha ha ha!! i used to collect those too!!... my mom actully FORCED me too. because her and my sister did. ^^ now their sleeping in the attic with barney and the tellietubbies. lol :) really congrats on going to collage!!! thats something ill probly never get to do. ive never actully had any kinds of plans for my life. i just take it as it comes
yeh, im pretty sure im going to be a singer/ disney princess/ sign spinner/ super hand model/ actress/ dutchess and or "lordess"/ working in a were house moveing boxes :)
no hes definately not haunted ^^ just a little sad from being lost in the closet. i get a little boy type vibe off him tho lke hes been hugged a few times and was once loved for a breif period when he was new... i dont think he was a girls toy? but i could be wrong!! ha ha ha