Hey, you might try putting these on an inexpensive cord, chain, even and shoelace and make it a necklace. The folks seem to go for them as jewelry. Just a thought.
Hey i credit or 500 it's all just good clean fun....thank you next one is a little newer but has a leather leash attached with a small bell and necklass chain
I wish you all the luck this coin has to offer. i will be listing another in a few days, it comes with a leather leash with bell attached and a chain to hang from your neck. the coin is a little newer and shiner but still loaded with good karma!!
we'll darn, I was out bid, but let me know when u list the next u b/c i'll have more to bid, i maxed out at 161 for right now, would have loved to get this though
will do sorry you could not continue. Happens to me all the time, I over extend by bidding on to many at once, and then never win ANY because they all get out bid..