im sorry you feal that wa dont bid but its not a skin head flag that is my heritage i am in tx and from la. so that was very affencive to me so please dont make comments likje that 7about m family heritage thank u and maybe u should read about that flag before u judge
I apologize for offending you. I understanding your feelings, but while that flag represents your herritage to you and your people, it means years of slavery and the ignorant prejudice soldiers and politicians as well as town folk that fought to keep it that way. You're from Tx, but I'm pretty from NC where in many areas african ammercan people are still *****. So excuse me if your auction makes me feel these things I feel.
well sorry u feal thank wa but from where im from we faught for that flag and many african americans of the older generation fly this flag in their yard and are proud of it all i ask is if you cant say nothing about my auctions dont say noithing at all