Oh wow, the original had such epic music for being 8-bit! So many games just trying to culture themselves to the new era of gaming. Pretty much the ps2 Castlevania's is where it really went downhill.
yes epic music indeed! i love all CV their is only very few games i can say kept the series going like the movie Friday the 13th run as it was progressing it got more upgrade to the age and new audience preference and that's why the old school fans of these games/movies dont feel fully satisfied with the newer ways of doing things. they lack plot/mental stimulation and many other things beside CGI and brutal killings! lol
I'm starting Leon's second scenario(in RE2) and then I'll do Claire's second scneario. Then I must snag a copy of 3...I got RE1 black label just the disc, so i got rid of my greatest hits version haha i'm a gaming finatic =P