I may no longer have the points for this...but stick people having sex is TOTALLY irresistible! *Off to Friend Finder I go* Think that all of our perverse minds are going to be making that site a LOT of money ;)
I wonder if I get a month of free GOLD on AdultFriendFinder for everybody flocking to their website to buy THI$ shirt...all because of little ol' me. >$DC<
Everything from AdultFriendFinder, to sex with the anti-porn program on a computer, to Kurt Angle's YOU SUCK SIR! to EVERY MAN'S BATTLE FOR ABSURDITY. However, I will say that there's plenty more PRODUCTIVE things to do with your time than watching other people have sex i.e. PORN. >$DC< F*CK IT! DO IT LI'VE!!!
Given the communication of the auction winner (that being supplying me with mailing address) I can have the shirt mailed on Saturday morning (12/22/2012)