Free: Gentiana septemfida, Fall Gentian - Gardening Seeds & Bulbs - Auctions for Free Stuff

FREE: Gentiana septemfida, Fall Gentian

Gentiana septemfida, Fall Gentian
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The listing, Gentiana septemfida, Fall Gentian has ended.

A really neat plant for the rock garden or where ever you need a jolt of color in the late summer to fall garden!
This gentian will grow to only 6" tall but will spread out to 12" wide.
It prefers full sun to partial shade in good well drained soil.
Sow the seed in late winter and place the pot outdoors to get the chilling it needs for germination. As the temps warm in spring you will see them sprout. Leave them in the pot until late summer when you can transplant them to the garden.
You will get at least 20 seeds...they are so small it's hard to count them, so you might get more!
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Gentiana septemfida, Fall Gentian is in the Home & Garden | Gardening | Gardening Seeds & Bulbs category