Thank you. Perhaps you could answer a question for me? One of my books the buyer requested their points back. Said they hit the GIN by accident. I contacted Listia because I have had some nasty things said to me by these people. Has this ever happened to you? Julie
I have not listed anything yet so i do not know. I heard from a friend that u can't even GIn until a certain point. Contact Listia staff and block whoeva has been rude to u. Please fan me back if you have not and good luck
Well good morning. The first thing I tried to do is lower it and it won't let me and I think I know why.Someone has bid on it already.In the past I have lowered the GIN without any problem.It says I can only clarify the description. Sorry, It had no bids yesterday when I went to sleep. Julie
This morning I tried an experiment.The nightlight I have on GIN I lowered 5000 pts. And I was right because it had no bids I was able to do it. I really am sorry. Next time if I have something you like on GIN we can work something out...Take care. I am really good about getting my stuff out as well. I mostly buy sports cards as I have been collecting since I was 7.And am still waiting for almost 27 cards. I hate that :(
Fanned and watching :) What kind of sports cards do you like? I sometimes post them on here. I think I still have some football cards I could post, just need to find what I did with them lol.
Well I have 4 books. One baseball,basketball,football,rookies and autographed. I am trying to replace some of the older autographed and old timers that were stolen before I moved from Las Vegas by a 'sticky" fingered roommate. I collect these for my son in the Army for his legacy someday.Plus it takes my mind off this God forsaken state of Washington where it's next to impossible to make friends. :)