please dont think i am trying to be offensive but i am soo going to sound like an old fuddy dutty saying this (ha at 31 and i have tattoos and piercings of my own) but i see these becoming kinda popular on this site needles and tattoo kits i know there are alot of kids on this site who lie about their age to get "free" stuff arent you afraid someone who does not or should not have these gets them and hurts themselves trying to give themselves a piercing?
i have thought about that and i honestly dont know what to think. i understand where your coming from. i just look at it like if a parent doesnt want their children to get ahold of stuff like this, than they need to watch what their child is doing. I dont want to sound mean, but in a way if a child is to get ahold of these needles than it could be my fault, but also their parent or guardian for not censoring what their child looks up or purchases. hope that didnt come off as a careless person bc im not
no not careless at all. i just see these becoming so.popular i totally did the homemade tattoo when i was 12 with a razor pin and pen ink got a nice little heart on my hand from it but hey we all do dumb things! i couldnt fathum doing it now or piercing myself now and look back asking what the hell! but def parents really need to take a more active role lately there have been so many kids on here just scamming and being idiots its getting very annoying