Negative comments are not needed! some people work and can't be on the computer every minute! no this is not a scam! i am a very honest person trying to give nice things away! please show some kindness!
the width of the bag from handle to handle is 18 inches the depth of the bag is 121/2 inches. i believe a full size laptop will fit in this bag. hope this helps you!
sorry, i've just gotten stuck with quite a few bad sellers lately & was getting disdcouraged. thanks so much for info. Bid again, & fanned, please do same, will try & win. I work also & do understand (a woman's work is never done) Noticed ur new, me too, keep up the good work (except for a few crooks) this is a good site. AGAIN sorry.
accepted, I do understand, my mom has gotten scammed on here a few times. Don't get discouraged there are good people out there. remember there is always evil that tries to ruin the good! have a great day!
I too have been scammed on here but that don't give anyone the right to post stuff like that about someone unless you know for a fact they are scamming people! You should be ashamed of yourself!!!
What, i don't think i posted anything wrong? am i missing something? I am very honest, hard working, church going christian. don't want to hurt anyone or say the wrong thing.
No, not you! When I was reading the comments and what Idahospud wrote really upset me. I don't understand people these days. People should not write stuff like that, unless you know someone is a scanner. I was just sticking up for you that's all. God bless
thank you very much! this site seems to be a very honest for the most part... but my mom has ran into a few thatweren't so honest! but thanks again! :)