Someone ask about the holo I have in the binder which are Latios, Dark blastiose, Koga Ditto, Lugi, Gyarados Misty's Golduck, Jumpluff, Aggron, Machamp, Light Azumarill, Haunter,gengar, Dark Gyarados, Hitmontop, Mew, wigglytuff, Clefairy, Wobbuffent, Kangaskan, Poliwrath, Vileplume, Sabrina's Alakazam, Lapras, Dark Marowak, Electivire, Infernape, Dusknoir, Moltres, Zapdos, Articuro, Dark Slowbro, Muk, Bellossom, Dark Arbok, Misty's Golduck, Jumpluff,Ampharos, Vaporeon, Kingdra, another kangakhan and lapras, mewtwo, Exeggutor, machamp, armaldo, dark electrode, raichu, team aqua Crawdaunt, EX regice, castform, beblossom, mawile, tauros, sableye, shiftry, dugtrio, ekans. marill, ninjask, porygon2, dark weezing, lt surge's magneton, Dusclops, Chimchar, acient technical machine rock