The listing, Natal Birth Chart has ended.
In astrology, a natal chart is a stylized map of the universe with the "native" (the individual or subject to be studied) at the center. It is calculated for the exact time and location of the native's birth for the purposes of gaining insight into the native's personality and potential. The chart shows the positions of the sun, moon, planets, and potentially other celestial objects, all referred to as the native's "planets," within the frames of references defined by the astrological signs and houses. A natal chart is extremely personal and unique, Even the birth charts of twins are often slightly different because one of the twins is usually born a few minutes apart from the other.
You will receive ONE personalized Birth Chart via email These are usually 7 pages or more. I will need your birthday, birth place, time of birth (I can do it without that but the time makes it more accurate.) and the email address youd like this sent to.
If you would like to know more about Natal Birth Charts you may message me and i will answer your questions.
Winner is to provide me with their email address within 7 days of auction ending or they forfeit their credits and I will relist the item!! I will not send this item to more than one email address. Also, I will only send the file ONE TIME, so be sure to provide the correct email address. I am not responsible for typos or mess ups in the address. NO REFUNDS!
No ADVERTISING!! If you are under the age of 18, Do not know how to conduct yourself on an auction site, suffer from paranoia "Where is is my item?" 15 minutes after auction close, Do NOT bid on my auctions. Be nice! Rude is unbecoming. I do not accept returns. Be sure you want this item before bidding as I do not refund credits!
Good Luck on your bidding.