Free: BRAND NEW! White Sapphire 10kt White Gold Plated Ring - Rings - Auctions for Free Stuff

FREE: BRAND NEW! White Sapphire 10kt White Gold Plated Ring

BRAND NEW! White Sapphire 10kt White Gold Plated Ring
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The listing, BRAND NEW! White Sapphire 10kt White Gold Plated Ring has ended.


STUNNING 10kt. White Gold plated White Lily Sapphire Ring! It looks SO much like a Diamond, it's crazy!!! The stone is just GORGEOUS!!! And the stone isn't small - it's a nice, larger size stone, too!!

Size: 7½
Stone Size: ¼" in Circumference

The Fine Print:

Oh yea: I *almost* ALWAYS offer free shipping and I *DO* ALWAYS provide a tracking number with each winning auction!

Although, I am new to the site, I have (literally) thousands of feedback all over various sites on the web!! I am by no means a "rookie" to online selling/swapping! If you need more pics, feel free to ask!

There will be no bid retractions except those where the item is found to have not been what was originally thought (i.e. the item is actually broken, lost, damaged, etc.). Please do not ask me to lower the days - I am fair to one and fair to all.

I AM, however, willing to negotiate a GIN option if there have been no previous bids placed on an item! :D Even if there is already a GIN set in place - if there are no bids, i WILL consider other GIN offers but please ONLY make an offer if you are GENUINELY interested.

Please: Do not leave nasty comments, they will just be hidden and reported and you will not longer be allowed to bid on my items. Please read the ENTIRE listing before asking questions - it will save us both time :)
Final Notes: I *do* live in a smoking household with a little pug named Frog. Although, I keep my items stored away from the smoke, I do not advise those that are sensitive to possible cigarette smoke scent and/or a possible stray hair to bid. Gift boxes are always available for jewelry upon request! :)

USE YOUR CREDITS WITH SOMEONE YOU CAN TRUST!!! **NO international shipping, NO exceptions. Sorry, it's too expensive. :( **
Questions & Comments
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i'm new to the bidding, buying/ selling world.. any hints tips "message some please"
Jan 8th, 2013 at 7:09:21 PM PST by
Honestly the best two tips I can give anyone as a new seller are 1) be honest - always....and 2) Use paypal to print out your shipping labels. You'll have to invest in a scale, but it's sooo worth it in the long run :)
Good luck!! :)
Jan 9th, 2013 at 11:59:20 AM PST by
Gorgeous ring! I fanned you and am bidding. Thank you for putting it up for auction.
Jan 17th, 2013 at 4:31:29 PM PST by
Awww thank you SO much that is very sweet of you!!! Fannin ya back and hope you win!!!!! ♥♥♥
Jan 18th, 2013 at 2:21:54 PM PST by

BRAND NEW! White Sapphire 10kt White Gold Plated Ring is in the Jewelry & Watches | Rings category