Please forgive me, I wasn't able to look into this last night, my son got hurt at Archery class. I will make every attempt to get to it today though. I am sorry.
8 pages. I personally do the 18 count stitch cause it's more clear and more detailed. The page count would vary if you wanted it bigger or smaller in demensions.
So glad to hear he is doing well! Can you tell me how many pages I would have to print out? I'm sorry for all the questions! I definitely want this chart, just trying to cover all the basics. Hope you understand. The 14 stitch is perfect! Thank you for all your help!
I guess your right about the page count, maybe 18 would be better-less ink, less paper. If I win your auction, could you send it in the 18 count stitch? Thanks p.s. wish it was endding!