how much is a book of 20 stamps going to cost when the price goes up? when is the price planned to increase? I have heard nothing on the news about this !!!!!
Tracking is not free with everything you send. Tracking is only free on somethings(not sure how to know what is and isn't) and it's now .90 instead of .85 like it use to be
Yes. Ours went up but not sure by how much. I know tracking here, is 0.75. Best thing for anyone to do really, is to check your local post office or their website. :)
Priority Mail is the one that now has free tracking. They have taken away parcel post and also raised rates on everything else including media mail. They are crooks. I'm glad your auction is going good but you have to be a little coo-coo to spend 10,000 credits on something worth $8 If you break down how much you spend shipping on earning more credits, plus the gas you use to take your stuff to the post office just to have credits to bid'll find that its way better off just spending the 8 bucks
That statement by kathy is not quite accurate..They have a postal ID number which you cannot track by, if you purchase tracking it is .90 and oddly enough the tracking number and te ID number are the same. The computer knows if you have purchased actual tracking. I had a Postal employee explain it carefully because I kept looking for a traditional tracking number. The neon green forms are actually not to be used anymore unless at the time of purchase the computer has a glitch. That has happened to me twice since the changes took place. Sorry for the tutorial, but it helped me to understand it.