my son is really into these and i want to get him a good says his deck is a dark deck, if that makes sence. is this a good addition to a sertin kind of deck or would it work for him? (lol, sry i just dont know anything about these)
Dark monsters can go into any deck, a lot of fiends are dark, the type is printed below the picture on every card. Dark balter is a decent card, but you have to make sure your son has the right cards to summon him, fusion summon you need possessed dark soul and frontier wiseman, but you could also special summon him with magical scientist. If his deck is just simply dark, I'm not sure if I would recommend red eyes black metal dragon. REBMD is a tribute card, you need Red Eyes B Dragon equipped with Metalmorph, and if the opposite player has the right card, it can be easy for the card to be useless, if his deck has a decent mix of machine cards, then it can be a good card to use, but on the safe side, I wouldn't recommend Red Eyes Black Metal Dragon, honestly.