I just meant to add (for anyone looking) what they are, as well as what they aren't. "Cinderellas" are often difficult to find in the usual stamping literature. I haven't seen these before and there was only one official Postage Stamp issued for the 9th Jamboree by England. [ I wonder if these might be English, rather than Australian, since Sutton Park is in Birmingham, England where I remember reading in the Sunday papers this was held during the summer of 1957.]
Bid and watching my good friend! Cinderellas..Postage Stamps...They are all good to me!! You know me with any Scouting issues!! I just picked up 6 mint sheets of the Scouting issues from Cook Island! Very beautiful...Along with the 6 1967 Marry & baby Jesus mint sheet issues from Cook Island! Yeah! LOL China Mike
Thanks Mike. If people like Scout stuff maybe I'll list some of that. Sam was a Scout commissioner for years. I have tons of badges, cups,and misc. stuff still. I keep thinking of more and more stuff I don't need. Guess I'll be around Listia for a looonnnnggggg time. Lol Have a great day!!