yes bud it did have cd but its scratched and unreadable so i just updated it i thought i did but there was no cord my boy told me . But i am just sending what you see my boy did play it in front to make sure it works and game had three codes unlimited lifes and 50 stars etc but thank you for looking out i would feel bad if i didnt state that and someone bid with false info ..
Just to let the bidders know. You can download the cd software online for free. I myself have tries it and the dsi version works on all the system that are out right now
first thank you for bids on one of my first items good luck to winner by the time i get home from work there might be only 1 hour left and to whom may win i will send it out next day i hope i anwser everyones question and concerns once again thank you
well since my kids didnt use it in a while im going to say no my older boys would know but wont be home till later they have batting cages so i will say no