no i do not, when i bought this off of craigslist, this is all the fella gave me cept also a blue telephone wire, which my husband said we didn't need, but i can also throw that in for you. we used it just fine for months, we just got done moving and now we have cox cable, so we opted to take their Wireless router because it is covered and if we had our own it wouldn't be. we did not install anything when we used this router, just plugged it in and it worked.
your sister would set hers up in place of her old router, then you would able to use your laptop at her house. in order for you to use your laptop, you have to have a wireless router, so yes i do believe it will work just fine. UNLESS you just plug your laptop right into her regular router like a regular computer. hope this helps you :D
Sorry, I meant I would take this D link with me if I win the auction to my sisters along with my laptop. We both have Cox cable, but my modem doesn't have the router with it.