I am also looking for Pampers UPC's (barcodes that the cashier scans) cut from the package and mailed to me. It would make a great auction for us Canadians!!! We have a rewards programs here that takes Pampers UPCs. (Anything that Pampers makes... diapers, wipes, Easy Ups, Clean n' Go... from the boxes (there are 2 UPCs on each box) and the bags!
Yes, Pampers is great that way - with the futura rewards & Gifts to grow! Unfortunately we've been collecting the UPC's, so I don't think I will be having an auction for those, sorry!
You can use them for Futura Rewards - futurarewards.ca and each UPC gets you $.50 to use towards a cash payout (or you can put it in an RRSP or RESP, etc...). You need $100 for the payout, and it's done quarterly. You can also collect rewards on other products!
Oh, sorry Jessica, I see that you are in California, the program, as far as I know, only runs in Canada - maybe there is something similar in the US, I'm not sure.
yeah i buy the pamper diapers my daughter gets rashes with huggies but i do buy the huggie wipes....ok so they only do that with the pamper upcs? so next time i buy a box ima do that if they dont have it here thanks