Depending on how much the bid gets to...I may do free shipping. If it gets to 9000 I will ship for free. I would do a GIN burning don't have that optionyet. sorry. And I woulddo accept papal for shipping costs if necessary.. thanks
GREAT Listing!! Added to the Watch/Fan/Bid list!! Great job replying to all the comments, so many new sellers don't know how to reply to them unless they are checking the actual listing.
Wondered if you would take a self-addressed, postage paid, self-seal poly-bag sent to you for shipping? All you have to do is put item in bag, seal and put out for your mail carrier! It would have MY name for BOTH the shipping & return address [so you would not be responsible for any postage due - I use and am very accurate with my shipping and I have a similar item to use for weight] & include tracking confirmation . I'm finding lots of Listia sellers LOVE the option so I thought I'd see if you did?
And WELCOME to Listia!! Don't hesitate to ask questions if you need anything!--it's a great community of friendly & helpful people!
absolutely. sounds me more about this it sounds beneficial ! and thanks I try to answer ppl and be easy to work with just as I hope other are for me. this site is very addictive....ha. I'm a stay at home mom of a two year old girl so I spend a lot of time with my tablet on listia and with her...Jett... lol listia is such a fun thing as long as people follow rules and communicate.