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The listing, Conan the Adventurer #1 -1994 - Nm has ended.
Conan the Adventurer #1 Marvel Comics - 1994 VF+/NM unread old store stock! neat cover-newstand issue (barcode) another neat comic from my stash of 50,000! I will keep bringing them here for all my comic book collecting freinds I've made on this freindly auction site! Thanks...Vince of "bubbasbooks" on the BAY!
Questions & Comments
WIN a FREE comic! NO PURCHASE NESSESSARY! FUN FUN FUN!!!!! the first person to e-mail me with: A: the Spirits "secret identity" B: the creator and original artist of the Spirit comic strips name WINS a free comic book drawn by him! Shipped postpaid to ANY US or Canadien address!!!!1 Have fun kiddies!!!!!
Rody...you were the 2nd person with the correct "complete" answer! I'm having fun here on Listia, and won a couple of nice Beatles albums to filla couple of spots in my record collection! I'm doing more with my music collecting nowadays then comics, a I'm aging it's getting more difficult to read the thought & speach balloons! I have to use a magnifying glass which breaks the continuity! I'll be bringing a look more various comics here too! I like to mix up the genre's so I meet collectors of all types to promote some of this vast stock I've hoarded over the years! I KNEW I'd sell it someday! Hadn't started selling the 1990-2000 stuff until November of last year! In the past 12 years, all I've sold were higher priced silver & goldenage comics! I'll hold the Conan fo a few days ( at least Mon/Tue-my next trip to the PO!) to see if you like any of the stuff I put on this weekend! Oh, a have another Conan too I'll dig out and slap on with a low GIN! Thanks again, Vince! PS Everybody who answered the trvia question will get a FREE comic also!!! Chow!
Hey Vince I am glad you are enjoying yourself. There are a lot of cool comic book heads on listia. I am one of em. Although I will probably have to build another room on our house but I enjoy reading and like you I will be wanting to sell mine in about 5 years. In the mean time I am enjoying all the great story's of my favorite heroes and digging the artwork. But I am running out of credits so I will be putting up max Payne 3 for the Xbox 360 on tues. so I can get some credits to get some more of your stuff. I hope you don't mind me advertising on your auction. Conan rules!!!!