Free: Conan the Adventurer #1 -1994 - Nm - Comics - Auctions for Free Stuff

FREE: Conan the Adventurer #1 -1994 - Nm

Conan the Adventurer #1 -1994 - Nm
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The listing, Conan the Adventurer #1 -1994 - Nm has ended.

Conan the Adventurer #1
Marvel Comics - 1994
VF+/NM unread old store stock!
neat cover-newstand issue (barcode)
another neat comic from my stash of 50,000!
I will keep bringing them here for all my comic book collecting freinds I've made on this freindly auction site!
Thanks...Vince of "bubbasbooks" on the BAY!
Questions & Comments
the first person to e-mail me with:
A: the Spirits "secret identity"
B: the creator and original artist of the Spirit comic strips name
WINS a free comic book drawn by him! Shipped postpaid to ANY US or Canadien address!!!!1
Have fun kiddies!!!!!
Feb 11th, 2013 at 4:39:37 PM PST by
Hey Vince if you look on the listing for the xmen 2099 that I won I answered that for you.
Feb 16th, 2013 at 6:31:24 AM PST by
Original were the 2nd person with the correct "complete" answer! I'm having fun here on Listia, and won a couple of nice Beatles albums to filla couple of spots in my record collection! I'm doing more with my music collecting nowadays then comics, a I'm aging it's getting more difficult to read the thought & speach balloons! I have to use a magnifying glass which breaks the continuity! I'll be bringing a look more various comics here too! I like to mix up the genre's so I meet collectors of all types to promote some of this vast stock I've hoarded over the years! I KNEW I'd sell it someday! Hadn't started selling the 1990-2000 stuff until November of last year! In the past 12 years, all I've sold were higher priced silver & goldenage comics! I'll hold the Conan fo a few days ( at least Mon/Tue-my next trip to the PO!) to see if you like any of the stuff I put on this weekend! Oh, a have another Conan too I'll dig out and slap on with a low GIN! Thanks again, Vince! PS Everybody who answered the trvia question will get a FREE comic also!!! Chow!
Feb 16th, 2013 at 6:51:37 AM PST by
Hey Vince I am glad you are enjoying yourself. There are a lot of cool comic book heads on listia. I am one of em. Although I will probably have to build another room on our house but I enjoy reading and like you I will be wanting to sell mine in about 5 years. In the mean time I am enjoying all the great story's of my favorite heroes and digging the artwork. But I am running out of credits so I will be putting up max Payne 3 for the Xbox 360 on tues. so I can get some credits to get some more of your stuff. I hope you don't mind me advertising on your auction. Conan rules!!!!
Feb 16th, 2013 at 8:27:29 AM PST by
Feb 20th, 2013 at 10:22:26 PM PST by

Conan the Adventurer #1 -1994 - Nm is in the Collectibles | Comics category