alrighty, so I am extremely interested in this. but seeing as how you are new to listia could I please request a picture with your name and the two games? also, can you guarantee that both these titles work? I've fanned you, hope for a response and hope to make these games mine.
I am uploading a picture of the 2 games on my arm I have the tattoo D.J.H on my wrist i am missing the proper a/v cord to hook up my system ( i have it it's just tempermental) but if i have a chance to tonight I will take pictures of the game powered on and a screen shot of the games on they do work perfect though
these games are the shiznit. i have both of them and me and my fiance play em all the time. even more fun cause we have the transfer packs to grow and trade our own pokemon that we raised :) good luck everyone
This item along with others was destroyed in a storage building fire please stop bidding i cannot sell it i do not want your credits and cannot close account i can post the fire report if needed my unit was destroyed along with 30 others