Free: Newsprint/Newspaper Nails **No Credits Required** - Other Health & Beauty Items - Auctions for Free Stuff

FREE: Newsprint/Newspaper Nails **No Credits Required**

Newsprint/Newspaper Nails **No Credits Required**
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The listing, Newsprint/Newspaper Nails **No Credits Required** has ended.

No credits required! Here are the FREE instructions for Newspaper Nails! Something you can easily find if you just Google it :)

I'm listing this only because it annoys me to see other's post this auctions requiring your bid when it shouldn't. This isn't a hard to find tutorial at all.

Materials Need--
Top Color Nail Polish (clear)
Light colored nail polish
Rubbing Alcohol
Small bowl (or lid to alcohol)
Strips of newspaper to fit nails


1. Pick a light colored nail polish (light grey/silver, light pink, pearl, white, etc--just make sure it's a light color!). Paint nails as you normally would (if you use a top coat before the color, go for it, but it's not needed). Allow to FULLY dry.

2. Dip finger into rubbing alcohol for 5-10 seconds. Be sure to pour the alcohol into a dish or lid. Don't dip it straight into the bottle :) Also, if you have a cut around your fingers, I suggest letting it heal before you do this. Alcohol burns! (one finger at a time! So dip, soak, move to next step BEFORE dipping the next finger)

3. Firmly press newspaper strip to nail. Hold in place for approximately 10 seconds. Slowly peel paper off nail.

4. Finish with a clear top coat to add shine and keep the newsprint on your nail (you must do this step, otherwise the print will wash away)

Now go show off your awesome looking nails!

**Please note, by bidding on this auction, you will NOT receive anything in the mail. If you'd like this sent to your personal email for an easier way to find this DIY later, I can do that.**

**No bidding required.
Questions & Comments
cool! thanks for the tutorial, and I might try this newspaper trick. I also get annoyed with auctions for DIY, spells or recipes, I avoid them like the plague!
Feb 18th, 2013 at 4:59:46 AM PST by
I like to see what DIY are posted and then Google them. I love learning new tricks. But I refuse to "pay" for something that a person is just going to copy/paste from another website.

Enjoy :)
Feb 18th, 2013 at 7:17:56 AM PST by
what a way to be!!! Just love it!!!
Feb 20th, 2013 at 3:52:58 AM PST by
Thanks :)
Feb 20th, 2013 at 5:39:43 AM PST by
Very awesome and very unique! Thanks for the great idea!:)
Feb 24th, 2013 at 11:55:20 PM PST by
Thanks, and you're welcome :)
Feb 25th, 2013 at 12:09:16 AM PST by
I've never seen nails done like this before. It's really cute. Thank you for sharing the instructions. One thing I'm confused about....why are people still bidding? LOL. At this point, I'm figuring it's because they are showing support for your gesture. Otherwise, all anybody has to do is Google the instructions if they want more. LoL. But, what you already provided is sufficient for doing the nails ourselves. LOL. Listia is so funny. Thanks again! I learned something new (although my daughter told me she already knows how to do them & has done hers like that before...I'm behind the times) lol
Feb 24th, 2013 at 9:10:53 AM PST by
I'm with you, I'm confused on why they bid. But, I figure it's to show support. Which I truly appreciate.

And it's ok, I just now caught up with the nail art fad LOL
Feb 24th, 2013 at 9:27:56 AM PST by
Thanks for the info. That was very nice of you to do!
Feb 24th, 2013 at 3:22:54 PM PST by
You're welcome :) Thanks for viewing my auction!
Feb 24th, 2013 at 5:30:03 PM PST by
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haha... I've done this a few times. I usually use grey, but recently learned that you can try it on almost any color. Thanks for putting this up-- :)

Also, why are people bidding on a free auction? lol Fanned! :)
Feb 25th, 2013 at 4:40:45 PM PST by
I've done it with white and pink :)

I can't answer why people are bidding. Maybe as a nice gesture for listing this in the open? I have noticed a lot of the members bidding are new. I appreciate it either way, as I did make sure to mention this is what you get if you bid, nothing is being mailed.
Feb 25th, 2013 at 6:43:02 PM PST by
Listia now has the option to mark this auction and your other DIGITALLY DELIVERED items as "Digital Delivery" ... please edit your shipping method and change it to "Digital Delivery"

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Feb 25th, 2013 at 8:53:27 PM PST by

Newsprint/Newspaper Nails **No Credits Required** is in the Health & Beauty | Other Health & Beauty Items category