Free: KJV Bible ebook - to contrast the wiccan books - Other Books - Auctions for Free Stuff

FREE: KJV Bible ebook - to contrast the wiccan books

KJV Bible ebook - to contrast the wiccan books
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The listing, KJV Bible ebook - to contrast the wiccan books has ended.

In an effort to balance out the abundance of pagan and wiccan books listed on Listia, I have decided to offer you another option - the King James Version of the Holy Bible.

This will be emailed to you through Listia as either an EPUB or Mobi digital file, depending on the type of eBook reader you have. Mobi will be for Kindle and EPUB is pretty standard for all other eBook readers.

Before you flag this, understand that this is in the public domain and is not in violation of the DMCA or Listia's rules.

Oh, and if you like any of the photos, please feel free to right-click and save them for your own enjoyment. :-)
Questions & Comments
There's no need to "balance" out anything. If anything, the pagan content here is a breath of fresh air. Do you see wiccans and pagans handing out completely free and complete Bible equivalents on the sidewalk? Do you see pagans and wiccans knocking on your door asking if you've accepted their Goddess? Every year in the 2000's, I saw anti-Halloween pamphlets put in Halloween candy because some self-righteous "Christian" neighbor decided that it would be okay to take advantage of a secularized holiday to demonize paganism in the eyes of innocent children.
Feb 21st, 2013 at 9:49:30 AM PST by
Maybe they (or you) should... hand out free wiccan and pagan literature on the sidewalks. That is a sign of devotion to one's ideals. People stand on street corners every day and hand out flyers, leaflets, pamphlets and booklets in service to a multitude of different thoughts, believes and opinions. Before the internet, that was the only way in which to spread your message. Why keep your religion such a secret? Christians are proud of their religion and their beliefs - so much so that they do stand on street corners and proclaim the Name of God. Why not do the same in praise of your beliefs?

I agree totally that "Christians" need to leave Halloween alone. No one is going around worshiping demons, gods or any other entity. Kids are dressing up and collecting candy. Nothing about that holiday is going to corrupt anyone's immortal soul, in my opinion. God alone will judge me if I am wrong. Hell, I enjoy Halloween myself. :-)

You will notice the numerous times that I employed parenthesis when using the word "Christians". Just as you seem to think that all Christians have a warped view of Pagans, Pagans seem to have a warped view of Christians. True Christians do not judge - we are commanded not to by the very Word that we are supposed to follow. "Judge not, lest ye be judged." Most people who claim to be "Christians" are merely wolves in sheep clothing.
Feb 21st, 2013 at 10:13:10 AM PST by
It is insulting to say that this posting is a contrast to the wiccan books. That statement implies that there is something wrong with having a lot of wiccan books around. Like you have something holy and they don't. As if the Bible isn't an option everywhere people turn in the real world, while I'd be hard-pressed to find a group of people who are willing to call themselves pagans because of how demonized and marginalized they have become in the eyes of the mainstream religions.

You say that some Christians do not have a warped view of Pagans, yet you are deaf to anyone who tries to explain your Christian privilege to you. I mean privilege, as in "you belong to a majority religion, so stop trying to sound underrepresented. Your majority religion will continue to rule the day in the wider world". When I said "you are in the minority", I meant that in the religious sense. It's irrelevant when you mention that you've always been a special snowflake.
Feb 21st, 2013 at 6:02:37 PM PST by
You seem to have a chip on your shoulder and are apparently unable to find humor in life. You seriously need to lighten up.

One of the definitions for the word "contrast" is: 'One thing that is strikingly dissimilar to another.' Since the Bible IS striking dissimilar to Pagan works, and vice versa, then the statement made is apt. It absolutely does NOT imply that there is ANYTHING wrong with the number of Wiccan books listed, nor is that my belief. Nor does it imply that there is anything inherently WRONG with any of the ideals expressed in the Wiccan works. Any inference that is drawn to that effect is purely in the mind of the observer.

I am truly sorry if this single listing has caused you so much consternation. Perhaps you should block me, so that my listings will no longer show up and affect you so? Or, we can continue this discussion at your leisure... :-)
Feb 21st, 2013 at 6:19:01 PM PST by
Let me apologize for my wiccan sisters, it honestly saddens me to see these comments.....I think what they are trying to say is that in their eyes it is insulting to say that the Bible is there to "contrast or balance out" the abundance of wiccan books. Everyone who has commented here have very valid points. Inkthirsty is right in that this site is one of the few places where wiccan books and items are sold/ given away, at least in comparison with items associated with the Christian faith. You are right to be proud of your religion, and most Wiccans are proud as well but typically chose to only talk about their religion to those who ask, or to associate with other Wiccans when it comes to their beliefs. When you say that many Christians are "wolves in sheep clothing" that is true, but it is true of all religions, including Wicca. There are always those negative people who claim to be of a certain faith, and they end up casting said faith in negative light. We all have the right to practice whatever religion we like, all religions are sacred and should be treated as such. :) Wicca, Christianity, Buddism and every other religion in the world are all just different paths that people take to get in touch with the divine, and to improve themselves :) Personally i love listia so much because of the blend of culture and religions, Christian bibles and crosses alongside Wiccan spell books and pentagrams, all on one site filled with wonderful people! <3 Perhaps if you would like the negative comments to end, you could get rid of the part of the listing where it says that the Bible contrasts the wiccan books. :) I'm sure that you are a good person and you mean no offense, but surely you can understand where my sisters are coming from? :) )O( <3
Feb 22nd, 2013 at 1:52:18 PM PST by
LOL.. I appreciate your kind words. Honestly, negative comments do not bother me. I enjoy the give-and-take of an honest-to-God discussion.

I really do not see why the word contrasts draws so much negativity, though. If I were to say 'condemns', 'contradicts', 'in opposition to', 'demonizes' or any other negative term, then I could understand the issue others might take.

But, in any event... c'est la vie.. :-)
Feb 22nd, 2013 at 2:21:04 PM PST by
inkthirsty I think you are acting a bit too hostile to the person who put up this auction and the people commenting.

and rebeltaz in regards to your auction maybe next time you shouldn't say things like "In an effort to balance out the abundance of pagan and wiccan books listed on Listia" as many people of that religion may take offense and might not take it as lightly as you are saying it. Instead you could say "I offer this King James Version of the Holy Bible to anyone who would like to bid on it... etc"
Feb 24th, 2013 at 7:44:46 AM PST by
Also, newsflash! Most of the pagan literature sold here ISN'T in the public domain! It's self published. On the other hand, you're selling something that has already been released as free to the public without paying royalties (as others who sell free ebooks do) to the publisher who scanned and released it for the public benefit.
Feb 21st, 2013 at 9:52:51 AM PST by
That may be true, but I have seen quite a bit of copyrighted material listed that the seller's are claiming "resell" rights to - all the while using Amazon's photos!

I could write a book of prayers just as easily as some seller's have written books of spells, but - and this is in my humble opinion - when talking to God, one need not follow a preset script written by someone else. It is much better to come to God with the innocence of a child with whatever words are in your heart. I prefer to talk to God as I would a friend. So far He has taken very good care of me... but that could be due to the old adage that "God takes care of fools and children." :-)
Feb 21st, 2013 at 10:20:28 AM PST by
My point about the handing out of literature on sidewalks was to emphasize that just as you feel like there is too much promotion of pagan and wiccan literature here, a non-Christian easily feels that there is too much promotion of Christianity in general. There are other religions advertising, but those rarely have the reach that Christianity has.

It didn't seem polite for you to remark on the proliferation of pagan works when works of Christian denominations have the same effect in the United States. Beyond Listia, you are in the majority. It is much easier to access a Bible than a relevant book of spells written by a pagan. What you're experiencing on Listia is basically what many non-Christians experience as members of a minority religious group surrounded by well-meaning evangelists of a religion you don't accept. We have to accept it and deal with it every day in real life. We have to look past the church flyers, the Bibles, the door knocking, "under God" in our pledge of allegiance, etc. Sell what you want, but it would be nice if you could just accept that you are the minority for once in your life.
Feb 21st, 2013 at 11:53:42 AM PST by
[quote]Sell what you want, but it would be nice if you could just accept that you are the minority for once in your life. [/quote]

Doesn't bother me in the least. I've been one of a kind my whole life, so... :-) Thank you for your thoughts, though. ✞
Feb 21st, 2013 at 12:49:46 PM PST by
Post the bible if you like.. but why be insulting about it ?
Feb 21st, 2013 at 4:47:00 PM PST by
I'm sorry... exactly which part was insulting? And how?
Feb 21st, 2013 at 5:03:16 PM PST by
thank you for4 posting the comment....too much wicca stuff this IS needed on here
Feb 21st, 2013 at 5:40:11 PM PST by
Thank you. :-)
Feb 21st, 2013 at 6:24:09 PM PST by
Since you seem so adamant about getting the good word out, those seeking Christianity can find the KJV in .epub and Kindle format here:
Feb 21st, 2013 at 6:07:34 PM PST by
That is true! It is also available for free in print at - you don't even have to pay for shipping! (For those who are concerned about requesting a Bible form a Mormon Church, the Bible that they use is the same King James Version of the Bible used in all Christian Churches)

I am glad you brought that up. Thank you. :-)
Feb 21st, 2013 at 6:23:45 PM PST by
I agree with you but at the same time i see where they are coming from, however, do as you like, as is your right. Discussion is always good, and least you listen and respond. <3
Feb 22nd, 2013 at 2:32:52 PM PST by
If I have a chip on my shoulder, it is not with Christianity. I am skeptical when religious activity operates more like a business than a service to fellow man. Your particular listing caught my scrutiny because asking for credits is unnecessary for the spread of Bibles. Instead of defending your right to sell, you could have just asserted the right to share. Let free books be free books for those who seek. Post "FREE BIBLE (click auction to see the link)" and you're bound to get more Bibles out. It's not against Listia rules. Why even bother to compete in the free market unless you're looking to profit? The statement "to contrast" is redundant if it merely means that people have choices. Anyone looking at Listia has choices.

I do not accept the apology on my behalf, and I am not a Wiccan. That statement is condescending when I clearly have the capacity to speak for myself, and I have not identified myself as Wiccan. I am not your sister in faith. You do not respect my views at all if you describe my presence here as something negative.You talk about coexistence and respecting all beliefs, and yet what have you done to that end? I stood by that same sentiment when I posted the free KJV Bible. True coexistence requires access and understanding. Since you seem so adamant, I'll go ahead and post some more useful links here.
Hinduism (which isn't a monolith either):
Tao and Its Characteristics:
The Analects of Confucius:
The Qur'an:
Feb 23rd, 2013 at 12:55:52 AM PST by
Sorry... forgot to click Reply first. My reply is in a separate comment below.
Feb 23rd, 2013 at 10:22:22 AM PST by
Rather than fight a losing battle, I will reply to the two points that warrant a reply: I asserted my right to SELL as opposed to my right to SHARE because without that, the auction could get flagged as being against the rules and removed by Listia for copyright infringement. That statement was simply a fine-print CYA move.

As for why didn't I just say "FREE BIBLE (click auction to see the link)"? Because, since I HAVE read the rules, I know that that IS against Listia's rules to do so - :

* Links, References or Solicitations to Outside Sites, Companies, Organizations, Groups, Newsletters or Mailing Lists
- Any links, URLs, usernames, or references to the above in your listing title, description or other fields are prohibited

But, in any event... again, thank you for your comments.
Feb 23rd, 2013 at 10:03:40 AM PST by
inkthirsty, i honestly thought that you were a wiccan, my mistake. I do respect all beliefs, and i didn't intend to offend in any way, however it seems to me that your intention is to cause disruption, not just voice your opinion. That is not the way to be heard...
Feb 23rd, 2013 at 11:07:28 AM PST by
im sorry for apologizing on your behalf if that offendedyou inkthirsty, its youre right to voice your opinion but please...theres not need to be so disruptive..
Feb 23rd, 2013 at 11:21:18 AM PST by
Feb 23rd, 2013 at 11:22:06 AM PST by
thank you aloneinthisworld12 :)
Feb 24th, 2013 at 12:26:10 PM PST by

KJV Bible ebook - to contrast the wiccan books is in the Books | Other Books category