Free: YARN (by request) - Other Craft Items - Auctions for Free Stuff

FREE: YARN (by request)

YARN (by request)
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The listing, YARN (by request) has ended.

I had 3 request to do another yarn auction so here go's
What's up is 6 random skeins from photos 1&2 (the one's that have an X is not available) these are ALL unused 3.5oz skeins.with shipping of $3.00
2) If bidding goes over 800 credits I will add more as the bids go up, stopping at 12 skeins and that's only because that's all that will fit in the box I have with shipping of $4.75
3) If bidding goes over 4000 I'll move up to a 16-1/4" x 12" x 8-1/2" box (it's bigger then a flat rate box) there is no flat rate for that (this is the size box I shipped on my last yarn auction the weight was 7lb. 14.0oz and it cost me $14.52 confirmation included so I'll keep the shipping at $14.50 for that and I'll add more as the bids go up. This box will hold 24+ full skeins
NOW here's the cherry to top it off.
You can pick a full sleeve (6 skeins) of one color (same dye lot) from photo 3 after it hits 1100 credits. 3100+ you get to request 2 sleeves of whatever color you want from photo 3. Photo 4-5 are scans of the labels off of the yarn to show you details of the skeins. SMOKE FREE
I'm sorry I can't afford free shipping so please don't ask.
PayPal is preferred but will take Post Office Money orders NO checks
Questions & Comments
Sep 17th, 2010 at 10:48:28 PM PDT by
your welcome
Sep 17th, 2010 at 11:36:15 PM PDT by
your welcome
Sep 17th, 2010 at 11:35:29 PM PDT by
Hooray! I'll be out of the country when this ends... hope my bid is good enough.
Sep 18th, 2010 at 4:34:49 AM PDT by
Well if not we'll see what we can come up with
Sep 18th, 2010 at 11:49:56 AM PDT by
Come on people BID like you want it. BID BID BID the higher the bid the more you get.
Sep 23rd, 2010 at 9:50:58 PM PDT by
Come on people BID BID BID so the winner can at least request a full sleeve and depending on high it can go free shipping.. SO PUT THOSE BIDS IN!!!
Sep 25th, 2010 at 9:53:53 AM PDT by

YARN (by request) is in the Crafts | Other Craft Items category